Is this your first article? Do not you know what to write? You are in the wrong place at the right time: D
I’m a fan of computer science, I have a thousand and projects and ideas, but as a first article I do not really have anything.
If you’ve come up here I do not think you’ll find out how to write the first post of the blog so much less I will list strategic tips to write an article on your blog.This may be a killer content, or maybe I’m killing the English language too, but if you’re still reading here, I promise you that I’ll post more posts, with real content on various topics of Computer Science, Programming, Domotic addressed to young Web Developers .
Most likely I will not write a second post on a blog, or maybe I could discuss topics such as Web Security with some examples based on Linux Kali distribution, or make some examples of Cordova project with the Ionic framework.Anyhow, the expectations to write many articles, there are, want, but time is almost null, we hope to read it soon.Hello.
P.S. If I really got to read up here I would say :D